BPC Community Group Member

Eugene Youngblood

Eugene Youngblood is a remarkable individual whose life story is one of redemption, transformation, and healing. His journey began in 1991, when he was arrested at the age of 18 and subsequently sentenced to spend the rest of his life in prison. Despite the bleak circumstances of hisi ncarceration, Youngblood remained determined to turn his life around and make a positive impact on his community inside of prison. While serving time,Youngblood became involved with the BPC Black prisoners caucus in 1993. Through this organization, he discovered a sense of purpose, self-worth, and belonging, eventually becoming an integral part of the BPC community. In 2001, he was invited to join the leadership committee, and since then, he has dedicated his time, effort, and energy to various initiatives and projects on behalf of the BPC community. Today, Youngblood holds the title of court support advocacy coordinator, a position that reflects his deep commitment to supporting individuals who are going back to court to be resentenced or face other legal challenges. He also helps to lead the many trainings and workshops on behalf of the BPC, he has consulted with lawmakers and academics, given speeches and lectures to students, and presented to law offices, both criminal defense and prosecution. His efforts have helped further their understanding of the criminal legal system as he advocates for change, reform, and healing with in the criminal legal system. His tireless work within the BPC community and his advocacy for legal reform have made a real difference in the lives of countless individuals who have been impacted by the criminal legal system. Through his efforts, Youngblood has shown that it is possible to overcome past mistakes but also use them as a source of motivation to make positive change in the world.

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